Stop clicking, keep selling

September 9, 2022
Karthikeyan Krishnamurthy
Lazy Sales Reps is a myth

Updating CRM : Time-consuming!

Don’t you hate it when you have to do multiple clicks to update your CRM? On an average, it takes around 5 to 6  clicks to do a simple task of updating a record in Salesforce or Hubspot. 

If you are trying to review your pipeline  or just getting ready for your weekly sync up with your manager, the effort that it takes to update your deals is strangely painful and time consuming. Sales Reps spend more than an hour a week just to keep their pipeline updated. This is not an optimal use of a Sales Reps time, time that could be spent doing what sales reps love; selling.  Now, there is a better way to do this which  saves you countless clicks and hours - enter Luru’s pipeline view

The Pipeline View

We just launched the Pipeline View that will let you access and update your pipeline in minutes. It gives you an interface that you are already familiar with - spreadsheets. You can view the opportunities and deals you are working on just like a spreadsheet and edit them inline, right there. 

Using Views

If you usually work on  opportunities or deals that you own or those closing this quarter, you could create views that you can quickly access. In addition Luru also pulls views that are already created in Salesforce. 

The Pipeline View

In case you want to add temporary filters on top of your views you can add more filters temporarily on your view by clicking the Filter button

Filters and Fields

You can also use the “Fields” option to configure the columns you would like to view. Once you have your view you can edit all the fields right there like your favourite spreadsheet.

Go ahead and give it a try. Sales reps who have been using it say this is a great boost for sales productivity since it saves hours in month that they can now spend selling.

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