Personalization is overrated(sometimes)

August 12, 2024
Karthikeyan Krishnamurthy
Lazy Sales Reps is a myth
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Hear me out. Most of the time, personalization in cold emails is overhyped. If you ask me, I will vehemently argue that 'No personalisation is better than personalization for the sake of it'. Nobody cares if you’ve been to their city or if you’re a fan of the Lakers. Everyone knows you are trying to sell.

You know when it works?

When you show you care: Mention something unique that you noticed. Show you put in the effort. You have their attention.

When you connect the personalisation to the value proposition or the solution.

This is where people often find AI tools lacking. Personalisation at scale results in spammier emails with little value. We’ve been consciously working on this and have gotten it to work rather well. Check this one, for example.

Personalization that is worth the hype

See? The reason it worked was because of the connection to the ICP's problem statement. This kind of personalization can’t always happen. Yeah, sometimes there might not be interesting signals. But when there is and you use them well, people invariably appreciate and respond. That type of personalisation is worth the hype.

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