Crafting Sales Emails that Generate Responses: A Detailed Guide with Do's and Don'ts

March 21, 2023
Karthikeyan Krishnamurthy
Lazy Sales Reps is a myth

Every day, every minute someone is selling something or the other. Check your own inbox. As a sales person I’m sure you are also sold a whole lot of sales tools that claim to help you close more deals. In all that noise, your email game needs to be top-notch to drive conversions and get responses from potential customers. With overflowing inboxes and short attention spans, the key to standing out is crafting personalized, engaging, and persuasive sales emails. Sounds cliche right? But In this article, we'll approach this with examples of do's and don'ts to help you maximize your success.

The Art of Subject Lines


  1. Keep it short and sweet: Subject lines should be concise and to the point. Aim for 50 characters or less to ensure the entire subject line is visible on most devices.
    Example: "Boost Your Sales with Our Proven Strategies"
  2. Personalize: Use the recipient's name or company name to create a connection and make your email stand out.
    Example: "Jane, Increase Your Company's Revenue Today"
  3. Create curiosity: Pique the recipient's interest by crafting a subject line that sparks curiosity without revealing too much information.
    Example: "The Secret to Doubling Your Sales in 3 Months"


  1. Use all caps: Writing in all caps comes off as aggressive and spammy. Stick to proper capitalization.
    Example: "LAST CHANCE TO GET 50% OFF"
  2. Be vague: Avoid subject lines that are too generic, as they'll likely be ignored.
    Example: "Exciting Opportunity"
  3. Overuse exclamation points: Limit your use of exclamation points to keep your email professional and genuine.
    Example: "Unbelievable Offer Inside!!!"

Crafting Compelling Email Content


  • Personalize the greeting: Start the email with the recipient's name to create a personal connection.
    Example: "Hi Jane,"
  • Establish credibility: Share your company's accomplishments or expertise to instill trust and confidence in the recipient.
    Example: "With over 10 years of experience helping businesses like yours increase their sales revenue, we're confident that we can help you too."
  • Be concise and clear: Keep your email short and to the point, with clear and direct language.
    Example: "Our platform allows you to automate your marketing efforts, saving you time and increasing your sales."
  • Use bullet points or numbered lists: Break down complex information into digestible pieces to make it easy for the reader to understand.
    Example: "Our marketing solution offers:
         - Email automation
         - Detailed analytics
         - A/B testing capabilities
  • Include a clear call-to-action (CTA): Make it easy for the recipient to take the next step, whether that's booking a demo or visiting your website.Example: "Schedule a free consultation with our sales team to learn how we can help your business grow."


  1. Write long paragraphs: Avoid lengthy paragraphs that are difficult to read and digest. Stick to short, focused sentences.
    Example: "Our platform is an all-in-one solution that encompasses a wide variety of features, including email automation, analytics, A/B testing, lead scoring, and so much more. We've worked with businesses of all sizes and industries, from small startups to large enterprises, to help them streamline their marketing efforts and achieve their sales goals."
  2. Use jargon or technical language: Keep your language simple and accessible to ensure your message is understood.
    Example: "Our platform leverages cutting-edge machine learning algorithms to optimize your marketing ROI."
  3. Make it all about you: Focus on how your product or service can benefit the recipient, rather than just talking about your company.
    Example: "We've been recognized as a leading marketing solution provider, but that's not the point. What really matters is how our platform can help your business succeed."
  4. Be overly aggressive: Avoid high-pressure tactics that may come across as pushy or desperate.
    Example: "You don't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, or you'll regret it forever."
  5. Forget to proofread: Always proofread your email for spelling, grammar, and formatting errors before hitting send.

The Power of Follow-up Emails


  1. Be persistent but respectful: If you don't hear back from the recipient after your initial email, it's acceptable to send a follow-up. Just be respectful of their time and don't bombard them with messages.
    Example: "I wanted to follow up on my previous email regarding our marketing platform. Have you had a chance to review the information I sent?"
  2. Provide value in each follow-up: Ensure every follow-up email offers something new or valuable to the recipient, such as additional information, resources, or a special offer.
    Example: "I thought you might find this case study interesting, as it highlights how our platform helped a similar business in your industry increase their sales by 30%."
  3. Keep track of your follow-ups: Use a CRM or email tracking tool to help you stay organized and know when to send your next follow-up message.


  1. Send too many follow-ups: While persistence is key, sending too many follow-up emails can come across as annoying and may damage your relationship with the recipient.
    Example: "This is my fifth email to you this week – why haven't you responded yet?"
  2. Use guilt-tripping language: Avoid making the recipient feel guilty for not responding to your previous emails.
    Example: "I've spent a lot of time researching your company and preparing this information for you, but you haven't replied to any of my messages."
  3. Copy and paste previous content: Make sure each follow-up email is unique and adds something new to the conversation.

A/B Testing and Analyzing Email Performance


  1. Test different subject lines: Use A/B testing to determine which subject lines generate the highest open rates.
    Example: Test "Unlock the Secrets to Increasing Your Sales" against "The Proven Sales Formula Your Business Needs"
  2. Experiment with different CTAs: Try various call-to-action phrases and placements to find out what works best for your audience.
  3. Analyze open and click-through rates: Use email analytics tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and identify areas for improvement.


  1. Make too many changes at once: Test one variable at a time to accurately measure the impact of each change.
  2. Ignore your analytics: Regularly review your email performance to make data-driven decisions and optimize your sales email strategy.
  3. Rely solely on industry benchmarks: While industry benchmarks can be helpful, it's essential to focus on your own audience's preferences and behaviors.

Crafting sales emails that generate responses requires a strategic approach, attention to detail, and a focus on personalization. By following the do's and don'ts outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to creating persuasive and engaging sales emails that resonate with your audience and ultimately drive conversions. Don't forget to continually test, analyze, and optimize your emails to ensure you're maximizing their potential impact.

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